Lab Safety
updated 15June2023 DaneBrouwer, MarkCutkosky
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This page serves as a summary of what EH&S expects of the BDML.
Questions? Contact:
- Lab Safety Coordinator, Dane Brouwer at
- (Secondary) Lab Safety Coordinator, Venny Kojouharov at
- SoE Health & Safety Specialist, Leslie Wagner at
1. New Lab Members Training
- Lab Specific Training Material : Lab Specific Training
- Safety Equipment List : Lab Safety Equipment List
2. Quarterly tasks
2.1 Self-inspection
Check lab compliance as per the Laboratory Inspection Checklist. Completed checklist must be stored either in the Lab Safety Binder in lab or in BioRaft online. These records must be maintained for >THREE YEARS. If lab is non-compliant, address issue immediately and contact the LSC.
2.2 First Aid upkeep
Check first aid kit (by conference room) and order replacements (see checklist).
- Chemical cabinet upkeep: ensure that...
2.3 Hazardous waste management
Ensure that the following bins have a waste tag (get them here) and that people use them. After 9 months from accumulation date (written on tag) or if bin is full, request pickup here.
3. Annual tasks
- Chemical Inventory: Update ChemTracker with the maximum amount of any chemicals currently used in lab. Login information is located in ChemSafety page. Contact Jennifer Mattler for further instructions on how to use ChemTracker.
Go to the search tab-> owners tab-> type in Cutkosky -> search Then details tab at the bottom to edit! Add use the tab Mark already generated to add new chemicals!
- Life Safety Box: Print off a new copy of the Chemical Storage Map and the Emergency Contact Sheet, update to new information, date them, and put them in box. Box is located outside lab, to left of entrance, wall-mounted.
4. Other tasks (do as needed)
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): SOPs are sets of written instructions that describe how to perform a laboratory process or experiment safely and effectively. If a task or process strikes you as dangerous, it is your responsibility to write a SOP. Laboratory personnel working autonomously or performing independent research are responsible for developing SOPs appropriate for their own work. Jennifer Mattler can assist. The PI will approve all SOPs once written. Completed SOPs are emailed to the Lab Safety Coordinator and printed out and placed in the Lab Safety Binder in lab.
- Building management: contact Jaime Eredia at regarding any building issues
- Incident Reporting: in the event of a lab injury or near-miss please submit an Incident Investigation Report (SU-17). This helps keep EH&S informed, will NOT negatively affect you or our lab, and helps avoid future similar events.
5. PI tasks (highly recommended)
- Develop/revise Lab-Specific Training. See "Tips on Lab-Specific Training". This training should identify the hazards and describe what students should do in the event of an emergency. See "Examples of Hazards".
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): discuss with students what processes warrant a SOP. The PI is responsible for providing written SOPs relevant to health and safety for laboratory activities he/she directs involving hazardous chemicals.
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): determine what PPE is required when and ensure students know its limitations, proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal. See "Examples of PPE" and "PPE training guidance" .
6. COVID-19 Safety Plans:
All information regarding access to lab and procedures for conduct in lab during COVID-19 can be found in the BDML Lab Access folder in the Team Drive. If you do not have access, email Mark or the lab safety coordinator.
- Lab members must follow the lab safety protocol as outlined in BDML Lab Policy. The BDML Lab Policy will be the most up to date place to find information on lab procedures during COVID-19.
If you do not have building access to MERL and would like to, please email the LSC with your SUNet ID number, card number, and full name to be added to the list.
If there are any questions regarding Stanford's COVID-19 research policies, please see Stanford's website here on Research Recovery.
If you have issues with the health check tool, please contact the SOE Safety Contact and call the Occupational Health Center (OHC) at: (650) 725-5308.