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Manufacturing Web > ManufacturingHome > SDMOverviewAndLinks > UnigraphicsTutorial > CombiningPtpFiles (31 Jul 2010, DanAukes) </span> <br class="twikiClear" />
<div class="patternTopic"> This page will tell you how to cut and paste two ptp files so they run right after each other. For now, we will assume that both of them use the same mill bit so there is no tool change. You'll have to change some things if you want to do a tool change also.
%block /% Top of first file: put the header on as usual.
%block /% Bottom of second file: put the footer on as usual.
%block /% Stuff in between: Delete the lines in <font color="#ff0000"> red </font> and then concatenate the files. <font color="#ff0000"> </font>
%block /% End of first file as it comes out of Unigraphics:
%block /%
NG01X110? .238Y-94.379
NG03X110? .231Y-94.373I-.007J-.001
NG01X99? .676Y-95.39
NG02X99? .6Y-95.394I-.076J.79
NG01X89? .6
NG03X84? .394Y-100.6I0.J-5.206
NG01Y? -103.07
NG00Z10? .
%block /%
%block /%
%block /% Beginning of second file as it comes out of Unigraphics:
%block /%
<font color="#ff0000">
NG00Z10? .
NG01Z? -.72<font color="#0000ff">F250.</font>
%block /%
%block /% The <font color="#0000ff">F250.</font> can be deleted if you're keeping the same feed rate, or you can change it if you want to make it run slower or faster!
%block /%
%block /%
%block /% -- AlanAsbeck - 21 Sep 2007
%block /% </div>
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