Mark Cell phone SMS & call

My cell phone is with TIM. The number is 338-647-9820. So to call you'd dial 011-39-647-9820 (add a # at the end to trigger the Stanford access code request). Calling me will be expensive because it's a cell phone.

Paging and SMS

This should be free and you can send a short message (like telling me to start up an AOL IM session or a Skype session for talking over the Internet).

New site (no registration needed)

UPDATED this and the site below seem to change slightly from week to week....

Looks like this one just lets you put in the number (338-647-9820) and type a short message without doing anything else.

TIM site (need to login)

First, go the the TIM website. you should get a page that looks like the picture below. Click on the menu item at left for "SMS da web" (SMS from the web), which I've encircled with a blue box. timmain.jpg

At this point you'll get a form asking for my name (enter my cellphone number: 3386479820) and password (enter: 7234258). Once you hit OK you will see a page that looks like this:
Here it is important to click on the option at the right (encircled in a green box) that will take you to the FREE ("SMS gratis") message option. The main menu costs money and gives a receipt to confirm delivery.

Finally you get the form for sending a free SMS message. Enter my cell phone number in the space shown and type in your message. Click "INVIA" to send it off.

-- MarkCutkosky - 25 Mar 2005

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