TWiki > RisePrivate Web>CompliantSpinedFoot? >SpineVsClawDiscussion (09 Dec 2005, MarkCutkosky)

Please, contribute

-- MicheleLanzetta? - 16 Jul 2004

We are doing a lot of work with claws and would like to also develop a "spine" technology, but still it is not clear how a spine should work, so maybe a detailed comparison could help. Posing and answering questions could help better characterize a spine.

Feature Claw Spine Notes
Total number few many  
Active single or few load shared  
Legs front/intermediate front/intermediate/rear insects preferably climb UP
Length - shorter  
Lower bound constraint both should be as small as possible limited by bearable load/fabrication/roughness
Diameter sharp end both can be taper
Shape curved straight  
Stiffness high lower when hooking the optimal angle should be preserved
Function hooking hooking/thrust  
Relative hardness maximum high  
Axial Compliance some on the spined surface  
Lateral Compliance low one way  
Surface interaction penetration/hooking penetration/hooking and friction  
Normal force high well distributed  
Moment favourable determined by spined surface configuration  
Load type mainly at the tip can be on the lateral surface shear force for both
Configuration claws and spined surfaces are interchangeable depending on the position of the load application
Wall roughness high low this is a just a scale issue, they can interact in the same way

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