Movie of Hard Pieces of Toe
Picture of design at present
* newfootwithflexandstick.jpg:
* newfootouter2withbacking.jpg:
* newfoot.jpg: Plan for Manufacture
Separately mold and pour all hard pieces of toe (5 total-case, 2xslider, 2xtoes w/ spines)
mill out cavity and fit pieces into place
fasten pieces either with wax or by some other means
pour soft flexures
Notes from Mini-Meeting with Will:
make slider c channel part taller to decrease likelihood of binding (creates less point like contacts at the walls
use curved flexures--will provide nonlinear response, but allow for more travel and more compliance
ensure that the slider radius on the corners is larger than the channel radius, prevent getting stuck
continue using .05mm gap for sliding--equivalent about .002in
possibly use a thin backing to separate toes, prevent neighboring toes from interacting, complicates manufacture however
bench level tests of flexures to test compliance and design with 1,2,3, or 4 small flexures