TWiki > RisePrivate Web>FootDesign? >SeparatedCompliances (22 Sep 2005, MattSpenko? )
  • See FootDesign? for other foot designs.

Movie of Hard Pieces of Toe


Picture of design at present * newfootwithflexandstick.jpg:

* newfootouter2withbacking.jpg:

* newfoot.jpg:

Plan for Manufacture
  1. Separately mold and pour all hard pieces of toe (5 total-case, 2xslider, 2xtoes w/ spines)
  2. mill out cavity and fit pieces into place
  3. fasten pieces either with wax or by some other means
  4. pour soft flexures
  5. extract

Notes from Mini-Meeting with Will:

  • make slider c channel part taller to decrease likelihood of binding (creates less point like contacts at the walls

  • use curved flexures--will provide nonlinear response, but allow for more travel and more compliance
  • ensure that the slider radius on the corners is larger than the channel radius, prevent getting stuck
  • continue using .05mm gap for sliding--equivalent about .002in
  • possibly use a thin backing to separate toes, prevent neighboring toes from interacting, complicates manufacture however
  • bench level tests of flexures to test compliance and design with 1,2,3, or 4 small flexures

-- AaronParness - 25 Apr 2005

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