Jonathan and I have disabled all the accounts on all the lab computers and changed the administrator password. What you will have to do in order to change your passwords is the following:


1. Login as Administrator (the new password is posted on a purple post-it note on the printer)

2. Go to Control Panel- Administrative Tools- Computer Management

3. On the left panel, expand "Local Users and Groups" under System Tools and open the users folder

4. Find your account, and enable it.

5. Right click on your account and click on "set password" to make a new password.

Then everything should be reset. And also, we should warn you that we've enabled to function that requires everyone to have a pretty complex password. The program I used to decrypt the passwords was surprisingly easy...


For those of you with Linux accounts, here are the instructions on how to reset your accounts.

1. Log in as root (w/admin password)

2. In a terminal window, run 'usermod -U username' where username is your account name (and without the quotes...)

3. run 'passwd username' and enter a new password for yourself

FYI- to disable an account in Unix, run 'usermod -L username' as root


you're on your own...please change your password immediately.

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