Measurement Computing hasn't answered my emails asking after the DAQ card order.
calling them on Wed morning and ask about the order (they may want to have someone with a local credit card to pay the order).
Otherwise everything concerning the outputs should be ok; just wondering if the 40mA current per channel is enough to drive the C2-tactors/DC-vibras or do I need an amplifier..
I've compiled and edited some simple example apps written in C that should read and write IO data, but there's not much sense in that without the card.
with Matlab it'd probably be easier to drive e.g. sinusoidal pulses to the actuators.
I've thought about having three different output conditions with a linear array of tactors to try to simulate the movement: static sequential feedback, discreet saltatory feedback (w/ 2 & 3 actuator locations), and control condition.
possibly I need to test with some kind of dynamic sequential condition as well to be able to provide smoother/flowing transition of vibration.
frequency should maybe be somewhat lower than the optimum perceived frequency of 200-300 Hz. Also the effect of amplitude should be tried out.
area of stimulation: larger area = more intense sensation, less accurate localization
location on the forearm: sensitivity, intimacy, ..
Input issues are still open; possibly best option is to purchase an analog input card.
could this be used together with the Phidgets' sensors (force sensing resistors)?