JukkaRaisamo? - 30 May 2007
Braille references
Here're listed some Braille related articles I had or was able to find with a quick glance.
Additional references, edits and comments are highly appreciated.
Document history:
-- Created 30/5/2007 by JukkaRaisamo?
-- Added Levesque et al. (30/5/2007 JukkaRaisamo? )
-- (Add here)
Levesque, V., Pasquero, J., Hayward, V., & Legault, M. (2005):
Display of Virtual Braille Dots by Lateral Skin Deformation: Feasibility Study.
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 2 (2), 132-149. (available
here for download)
- Project web pages available here
Roberts, J., Slattery, O., & Kardos, D. (2000):
Rotating-wheel braille display for continuous refreshable braille. In
Digest of Technical Papers, Society for Information Display International Symposium (DIS'00), Vol. XXXI., 1130-1133. (available
here for download)
Heller, M.A., Rogers, G.J., & Perry, C.L.(1990):
Tactile pattern recognition with the Optacon: superior performance with active touch and the left hand.
Neuropsychologia 28 (9), 1003-1006. (available
here for download)
Hislop, D.W., Zuber, P.L., & Trimble, J.L. (1985):
Text-Scanning Patterns of Blind Readers Using Optacon and Braille.
Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 22 (3), 54-65. (available
here for download)
Hirose, M. & Amemiya, T. (2003)
Wearable Finger-Braille Interface for Navigation of Deaf-Blind in Ubiquitous Barrier-Free Space. In
Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII'03), Vol.4, 1417-1421. (available
here for download)
Ramstein, C. (1996):
Combining haptic and braille technologies: design issues and pilot study. In
Proceedings of the second annual ACM conference on Assistive technologies (ACCESS'96), ACM Press, 37-44. (available
here for download)
Gardner, J.A. (2005):
Braille, Innovations, and Over-Specified Standards. In
Online Proceedings of Guidelines On Tactile and Haptic Interactions (GOTHI'05), October 24-26, 2005, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. (available
here for download)
- Online proceedings available here
Blazie, D. (1998):
Refreshable Braille Now and in the Years Ahead. Transcript of lecture available online
Yobas, L., Durand, D.M., Skebe, G.G., Lisy, F.J., & Huff, M.A. (2003):
A Novel Integrable Microvalve for Refreshable Braille Display System.
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 12 (3), 252-263. (available
here for download)
Mousty, P. & Bertelson, P.(1985):
A Study of Braille Reading: 1. Reading Speed as a Function of Hand Usage and Context.
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,
37 (2), 217-233. (available
Bertelson, P., Mousty, P., & D'Alimonte, G. (1985):
A Study of Braille Reading: 2. Patterns of Hand Activity in One-Handed and Two-Handed Reading.
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 37 (2), 235-256. (available
Sterr, A, Green, L., & Elbert, T. (2003):
Blind Braille readers mislocate tactile stimuli.
Biological Psychology 63 (2), 117-127. (available
here for download)
Legge, G.E., Madison, C.M., & Mansfield, J.S. (1999):
Measuring Braille reading speed with the MNREAD test.
Visual Impairment Research 1 (3), 131-145. (available
here for download)
Burton, H., Sinclair, R.J., &
McLaren? , D.G. (2004):
Cortical Activity to Vibrotactile Stimulation: An fMRI Study in Blind and Sighted Individuals.
Human Brain Mapping 23 (4), 210-228. (available
here for download)