TaylorCone? - 30 Jul 2008
Adept Instructions For Perching Plane Testing
Powering on and off
- To power on:
- Plug in fans (behind arm on the floor)
- Turn power switch to "on" (across from the whiteboard)
- Once the computer powers up, enter on the screen:
- en pow (enables power)
- cal (calibrates arm)
- To power off:
- Enter on screen "dis pow" - disables power
- Turn power switch to "off"
- Unplug the fans
Running the Adept Directly
Computer Commands
- dir (shows whatever is in active memory)
- zero (deletes active memory)
- fdir (lists program you can load from hard disk)
- fdir programname (brings up program programname)
- load programname (loads programname)
- see programname (shows contents of program so you can view and edit)
- i (once inside a program, switches to insert mode to edit program)
Action Commands (enter DO before commands and "return" to execute them):
- MOVE location - moves the robot to a specified location using the easiest path
- MOVES location - moves the robot to a specified location in a straight line
- MOVET location, gripper state - moves the robot to a specified location using the easiest path and opens (0) or closes (1) the gripper simultaneously
- MOVEST location, gripper state - moves the robot to a specified location using in a straight line path and opens (0) or closes (1) the gripper simultaneously
- OPENI - opens gripper
- CLOSEI - closes gripper
- RELAXI - relaxes gripper (turns of pneumatics)
- PAUSE - pauses program execution until user types "proceed"
Important Functions:
Transform Function - TRANS - Returns a transformation value computed from the given X, Y, Z position displacements and y, p, r orientation rotations.
- Syntax: TRANS (X, Y, Z, y, p, r) (NOTE: If a parameter is omitted, value is taken to be zero)
- In English: specifies a point to which you want to move. TRANS(1, 1, 1, 0, 180, 90) will return the point (1, 1, 1, 0, 180, 90) that you can then move to.
- To use: SET loc_a = TRANS(X, Y, Z, y, p, r)
Shift Function - SHIFT - Return a transformation value resulting from shifting the position of the transformation parameter by the given shift amounts.
- Syntax: SHIFT (location BY xshift, yshift, zshift) (NOTE: If a parameter is omitted, value is taken to be zero)
- In English: specifies the amount to shift each value. Whereas transform specifies a new point altogether, shift specifies the amount to change each.
- To use: SET loc_b = SHIFT(loc_a BY deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ)
Running the Adept through Other Computer
Initiating the Process
- Start up computer (baya.stanford.edu)
- Enter username and password to log on
- Right click on desktop and start terminal
- Enter:
cd /home/alexis
(loads alexis)
- Enter:
(lists all files)
- Enter:
cd src
(loads source)
- Enter:
emacs baya.c &
(brings up code)
- Within this code, there are only a couple blocks of code we need to worry about:
- Ctrl-s searches; search for "alexis" (ctrl-s cycles through successive instances)
- In 2nd code block: only worry about number in "if" condition statement
- In 3rd code block: only worry about number in "for" condition statement
- Enter
cd ..
(goes back one level)
Preparing Programs
- In
, enter:
make rtaiin
make comediin
- Enter:
cd src
(to go to source again)
- Enter:
(compiles program)
Executing Programs
- Start the Adept
- On direct Adept system and computer:
- Load program (in our case: alexis.pg)
- Execute program (in our case: throw)
- On
- Open MATLAB (enter 'matlab' in terminal window)
- While in
: ./bin/baya
will (execute program)
- To stop data collection, 'c'
- To terminate program, 'ctrl-c'
- To put data into a file that MATLAB can plot, enter:
mv -f bayadata62_5Hz.txt bayadata62_5Hz.m
- Go to MATLAB and open
and run it. Voila!