The purpose of this FEM modeling is developing simulation tool to estimate the range of frequency, stiffness, ... etc. for higher sensitivity. However, this is not completed work yet, I'm trying to find proper mechanical properties of the needle/cathetor and human skin. And I will modelize the whole system in 3D at the end, and will add more functions.
To make it easy to run this simulation, all process was generated in command line, not GUI environment, so that what you have to do is just to copy the lines, paste it in the command prompt and then press enter. Then, you can see the output of dydnamic analysis, its output table and plot.
You can change easily the model's geometrical dimension, mechanical properties such as Young's moduls, Poisson's ratio and Density, and magnitude and position of the load which is applied by piezo-electric actuator.
All lines you can change without destroying any fundamental settings of this simulation were commented with !! (double exclamation mark).