TWiki > Rise Web>TWikiUsers>WillMcColl (07 Apr 2005, WillMcColl? )
Wasn't sure where to put my thoughts on questions and things of that nature, so I'll just ramble on here for the time being and if there is a more appropriate place then I'll move it later, aka diary or blog.

Questions for discussion: see NeedFindingQuestions? 1. What are the conditions or occurences that are most responsible for elderly individuals to no longer be able to live independently?

As a person ages, their ability to live and take care of themselves deteriorates. At what threshold must they receive help and move into assisted living? Certain fundamental aspects of life cannot be interfered with, and indeed when they are, the person must move into a phase of assisted living. For example:

-eating: if a person cannot either A. cook for themselves or B. find premade food and have the ability to pay for it (either grocery store or restaurant), then assisted living will be required.

-living: certain aspects of daily living, such as restroom and hygiene needs must be met by the person. The person must also be able to administer and use drugs that may be necessary, ie not forget to take medication frequently.

-communication: a person must be able to communicate needs and find a way to meet them, with special regard to needs that are not daily or routine. They must be able to negotiate transportation and communicate when they will indeed need help on a non-habitual basis. Specific examples include doctor and other medical appointments, shopping (groceries, cleaning supplies, etc.) and be able to use the telephone, email, or internet to communicate those needs to people who can help them.

If physical or mental stability inhibits any one of these abilities, then assisted living will be required.

2. Apart from the answers to 1., what are the most important Needs to be met that would enable elderly individuals to enjoy a higher quality of life and sense of well-being?

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