From: Uluc Saranli [] Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 1:25 PM To: G. Clark Haynes Cc: Jay Gowdy; Alfred Rizzi Subject: Source tree restructuring proposal Clark; Below is my proposal for a new source tree structure. Please feel free to send suggestions and feedback before we start discussing it with other software people in the group. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Goals: - Eliminate dependence of RHexLib on rhex specific code (hence facilitating its independent distribution). - Create a convenient hierarchy for the coexistance of RHex and RiSE code without interdependencies. - Provide sensible places for addition of new code, robots, hardware interfaces as well as embedded code. Required changes: - Reorganization of the source tree - Revising Makefiles accordingly - Fixing ModeSupervisor to eliminate explicit dependence on CalibMachine and SitMachine - Relocating a number of files to cleanup up various library dependencies Here is the new hierarchy: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Libraries lib include RHexLib include base libutils tools doc examples VisLib ClientLib GUILib flame fltk RHex lib include Simulation SimSect++ RobotCode Hardware CommonHW include,src ResearchHW include,src RuggedHW include,src SimSectHW include,src BehaviorLib modules modes include CalibTools TestTools OCUCode RHexGUI RuggedGUI LogGUI CLI VisionCode EmbeddedCode RhIO SWRI Operator Supervisor Config RiSE lib include Simulation RiSESimLib RobotCode Hardware CommonHW include,src RiSEHW include,src RiSESimHW include,src BehaviorLib modules modes include CalibTools TestTools OCUCode RiSEGUI LogGUI CLI VisionCode EmbeddedCode SWRI Operator Supervisor Config Notes: - There are many top level directories, including one for generic libraries and one for each individual robot project - RHexLib itself will no more include any RHex specific hardware class or module. - All robot specific modules and modes will be combined under "BehaviorLib" -------------------------------------------------------------------- Uluc Saranli Postdoc, Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University phone : (412) 268 3260 5000 Forbes Avenue fax : (412) 268 5571 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 email :
-- ClarkHaynes? - 29 Sep 2003