TWiki > Rise Web>TWikiUsers > ShaiRevzen>SprawlDev (11 Jun 2003, ShaiRevzen? )

-- ShaiRevzen? - 11 Jun 2003

Debug mode:

  1. Toggle config mode
  2. Connect terminal to com1, 19200-N-1-none, TTY
  3. Power cycle
  4. Command 'GFA000'
  5. Power down
  6. Toggle debug mode
  7. Power up
  8. Kill terminal and run dev. env.

Run mode:

  1. Toggle config mode
  2. Connect terminal to com1, 19200-N-1-none, TTY
  3. Power cycle
  4. Command 'G08000'
  5. Power down
  6. Toggle run mode
  7. Kill dev. env / disconnect com1
  8. Power up

SprawlOS debug 115200-8-N-1-none

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