STANFORD NOTES SwRI visit ============================ 01/30/05 To avoid stall during bootup - Removed sendmail from /etc/rc5.d To access the CVS repository - cvs -d ext:amcclung@ Get battery connector from Don (for charging) 01/31/05 Operation Overview ===================== On Robot --------------- Boot up the robot Open a terminal window Login to the robot >>ssh -4 -1 rise@surise (cmurise,bdirise) -remember: legs are better than wheels 100% Change to supervisor directory >>cd RoboDevel/RiSE/Supervisor Change to root >>su Start the supervisor >>./ -d On the Laptop (OCU) ------------------------ Open a terminal window Change to the operator directory >>cd RoboDevel/RiSE/Operator Start the OCU GUI >>./ 3000 surise (cmurise,bdurise) Click Connect on the GUI Joystick operations ------------------------- R1+A - Calibrate Mode R1+Z - CustonGaitX Mode L1+L2 - Start calibration L1+(A,B,C,X,Y,Z) - Select group A,B,C,X,Y,Z - Select gait START button - Launch gait Right joystick - Forward, Reverse, Left, Right, Stop (at rest) Left joystick - Cruise control (Toggle on/off) Throttle - speed of gait L1+L2+R1+R2 (All 4 top together) - Emergency STOP (exits all modes) Quit the supervisor to reread RC files -legs may spaz outotherwise Quit the OCU GUI when not in use -it causes unnecessary network traffic To exit a hung ssh session use "Enter~." GaitBuilder Matlab Stuff -------------------------- The scripts to build the gaits are located in RoboDevel/RiSE/Tools/Matlab/GaitScripts The file to automate the RC build process are cgx_function (ie. cgx_climb) The various versions are cgx_function_version (ie. cgx_climb_ripple_90) -which build the param structure -then use the base file to generate the RC files CustomGaitX add 3 phasing parameters (front-mid, mid-rear, left-right) TODO @ Stanford (to make the old stack useful) Miguel may need to replace the old RoboDevel tree to keep the stack -YES-can we just rename the old tree and adjust the necessary variable to have one static tree (old stack) and one development tree (platform) -this tree is backed up on THEDARKSIDE in /home/amcclung/Backup -DONE-create a new user for the old stack (riseold) -need to change the ownership to the new user -need to recompile under new user 02/01/05 The max wing angle tendsto be 75-80 for the platform -This is where the leg wing starts to run into the hall effect sensor 2/02/05 Basic Linux commands: ls list contents of current directory pwd present working directory: displays path of current directory locate "program" Finds executable CTRL+ALT+arrow Switch workspace Shift+PgUp Scroll up in terminal find -name "filetofind" search for file name rm "filetodelete" delete file cd change to home directory cd.. move up one directory cd "newdirectory" change to new directory "programtoopen" start program "programtoopen"& start program but keep ability to use terminal "program" "file" open file using specified program CTRL+c kill process Store .rc files in ~/RoboDevel/RiSE/Demo/Config/default/su_gaits (or cmu_gaits) CVS stuff: To do a global update (i.e. when getting the file structure for the first time): cvs co RoboDevel To do a local update (will update the current directory and everything below it): cvs update Add a new file (or directory) to CVS: cvs add filename Commit changes in a file to the CVS: cvs commit -m"comment" filename View cvs:
-- AMcClung? - 14 Feb 2005