MattSpenko? - 25 Oct 2005
These are notes about what I learned at CMU. They are probably located elsewhere on the Twiki page. I am simply putting these here for my own interest.
To update the cvs server:
cvs commit filename
You can then add in a comment. Note that it uses vi.
To compile the robot code:
connect to basson
ssh username@bassoon.msl.ri.cmu.edu
cd RoboDevel/RiSE
cvs update -d
the code is now compiled
cvs update -d on laptop
./upload_sup.sh username@bassoon rise@cmurise
Creating a new mode
- Each module has a init, uninit, activate, deactivate, and update function
- Update is the function from each module that gets executed in real time
- There exists a companion file called a mode
- Each mode has an init, uninit, start, stop, and update database function
- many modules can exist in a mode
- a mod file has a mod parameter. They are cmd and state
- each panel in the gui corresponds to a mode