TWiki > Perching2010 Web>WebRss (30 Jan 2003, PeterThoeny? )
TWiki 's Perching2010 web The knowledge base web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World. en-us Copyright 2011 by contributing authors TWiki Administrator [] The contributing authors of TWiki TWiki Powered by TWiki .Perching2010 WebMap (last changed by SanjayDastoor) 2011-08-19T01:23:05Z SanjayDastoor WebPreferences TWiki .Perching2010 Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the TWiki .Perching2010 web. These preferences overwrite the site ... (last changed by SanjayDastoor) 2011-08-18T22:25:34Z SanjayDastoor CyberPhysicalNSF2010 Logistics Stanford lab speakerphone: 650 723 2070, Mark's cellphone: 650 450 0589 NSF Robust Intelligence pgm.jsp program description ... (last changed by MarkCutkosky) 2010-08-26T21:41:35Z MarkCutkosky CyberPhysicalText Summary Premise: Getting a {group of?} small UAV(s) to land, perch and take off reliably from arbitrary surfaces is a perfect example of a problem that requires ... (last changed by AlexisLD) 2010-01-05T22:00:17Z AlexisLD PerchingResearchPlan Proposed Research Plan The first stage of the work will utilize indoor and outdoor experiments to learn and refine dynamic maneuvers for landing on vertical and sloped ... (last changed by AlexisLD) 2010-01-05T21:56:03Z AlexisLD CyberPhysicalCharacteristics Reread call for proposals. It needs to be a cyberphysical system . The examples given look more like networks of smart bots for environmental monitoring, etc. Perhaps ... (last changed by AlexisLD) 2010-01-05T21:45:54Z AlexisLD WhyPerchingIsCyberPhysical Why our Perching Proposal should fit in CPP: MEDIUM: ... Perching is an example of a system that requires integrated cybernetic (sensing, control, computation) and ... (last changed by MarkCutkosky) 2009-12-30T19:25:48Z MarkCutkosky WebHome CyberPhysicalNSF2010 (last changed by SanjayDastoor) 2009-12-10T00:41:35Z SanjayDastoor WebSearch Got rid of simple search because we never use it... MarkCutkosky 6 20 03 Search for phrase or Topic Name: Topic text (body) Search ... (last changed by SanjayDastoor) 2009-12-10T00:34:19Z SanjayDastoor WebLeftBar " warn "off"}% Publications People Contact Calendar (last changed by DanAukes) 2009-03-31T16:35:57Z DanAukes WebNotify This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this Perching2010 web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have ... (last changed by MarkCutkosky) 2008-11-06T04:18:00Z MarkCutkosky WebTopBar Jump: (last changed by MarkCutkosky) 2007-05-25T19:39:00Z MarkCutkosky WebSearchAuth Got rid of simple search because we never use it... MarkCutkosky 6 20 03 Search for phrase or Topic Name: Topic text (body) Search ... (last changed by AMcClung) 2005-01-18T07:35:00Z unknown WebLeftBarExample Web Web Home Changes Index Search Webs (last changed by ArthurClemens) 2004-08-16T09:01:46Z unknown WebLeftBarPersonalTemplate Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:TWiki.WebLeftBarCookbook. My links My home page edit (last changed by ArthurClemens) 2004-08-16T05:31:35Z unknown WebLeftBarCookbook WebLeftBar Cookbook Instructions and tips how to use WebLeftBarPersonalTemplate . WebLeftBarPersonalTemplate is a topic template to create a personal left bar block ... (last changed by ArthurClemens) 2004-08-16T05:30:20Z unknown

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