Making Masks

Laying out individual components on boards serially can be a ponderous affair. Rather, one can lay down a layer of selectively deposited solder, put down components, then heat the solder, thus adhering all components to the board.

  1. Open up your .brd file in Eagle.
  2. Go to Display options.
  3. Turn off all layers except for the tCream layer (number 31)
  4. Click on the ULP button (located on the toolbar below the Library menu)
  5. A"Run file" window will open up. Click on dxf.ulp and hit enter
  6. A new window will popup. Deselect Fill areas. Now the DXF file will only out put outlines
  7. Click okay. The DXF file you just outputted can now be used with CorelDraw? .
  8. Congrats! You're on your way to saving tons of time

-- SamsonPhan - 12 Nov 2010

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