Haas Reference Info
Haas_VFO-E_Manual.pdf |
This is the official manual for our HAAS. I scanned in all the pages, so there's nothing missing in this reference. |
HaasQuickReference.pdf |
This is a quick reference sheet downloaded from HAAS's website. It's more modern than our HAAS, so not every function is supported. See the manual for details. |
V61_FIL_CD_Manual.pdf V61_GPost_CD_Manual.pdf |
These are the official manuals for the postprocessor editor shipped with Pro/E. It's a horrible environment with GUI bugs, so be careful when saving and loading files, you may lose your information until you know how to work with this program. |
FIL_macro_exercises.pdf NormesClfile.pdf |
These are some nifty code examples which helped me generate some necessary macros. |
Transferring Files
- If DNC is what you want, first check settings 11, 12, 13, 14 and 37, and make sure they coincide with the settings in the PC. To prevent problems with cables, it’s best to use a straight-through cable with a null modem, keeping the length of the cable to less than 100 feet if possible. To receive a DNC file at the Haas, check the bit in parameter 57 called ENABLE DNC; this needs to be set to 1. Also, make sure setting 55 in the Haas is set to ON. Then press the MDI button once, then again, and the control will display “WAITING FOR DNC” at the top of the screen. At this point, you can send the DNC program from the PC.
- If all you want to do is send a program to the Haas memory, first press the LIST PROGRAM button, move the cursor to ALL and then press the RECEIVE RS-232 button. The control will display “WAITING FOR DATA” at the bottom of the screen. Now send the program from the PC. Programs must start and end with a percent sign (%), to signal the beginning and the end of the file. The second line of the program must contain the program number – the letter O followed by up to five characters – without a block number.
RS232 Setting for HAAS
The HAAS communicates with the HAAS using a simple RS232 connection. The pinout for the DB25 connector is available on the HAAS manual, which can be accessed by pressing "Help Calc" on the HAAS.
Data bits: 7
Parity: Even
Protocol: ASCII (as opposed to Xmodem)
Line speed: 38400
Stop bits: 1
Handshaking: Xon/Xoff (No hardware handshaking)
Block Delay: 0 msec
Char Code: ASCII (as opposed to EIA)