Summer 2011 - it's time to start a new wiki platform.
  • Ideally could share same platform choice with Okamura lab so there is a critical mass of people who understand how to maintain it
  • Should be easier to install and harder to hack than TWiki has been
  • Am leaning toward PmWiki, based on previous success with ME310 09-10 and ME112 09-10
    • PmWiki has many skins. Some that I like: Grease Skin and Lean Skin. The ME112 09-10 wiki actually uses Light Skin, but looks more like the current version of Lean Skin. The ME310 09-10 wiki uses a custom skin titled "310intraskin" which would not be hard to customize further.
    • For a quick look at what's possible, see some of the ME310 team pages: Me310 Autodesk -- other pages available in right sidebar.
    • PmWiki has 2 kinds of authentication: AuthUser and UserAuth (default). The ME112 and ME310 wikis used AuthUser, which gives more control in setting up permissions for groups of pages.

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