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(26 Aug 2009,
- 11 Aug 2009
Weeks from May until 8/7/09 were occupied with:
Reading about my post-doc's prior research and the forerunner to this project - Rosie
Learning about our goals and purposes for
Brainstorming ways in which to implement what we want, both in prototype and final stages
Researching off-the-shelf robot arms for our rough prototype and presenting to team
Brainstorming configurations of iMac plus arm
Brainstorming and attempting several methods of motorizing an iMac including:
Direct drive on rollerblade wheel
Wire wrapped around motor shaft
Cable around worm on motor shaft
Speccing out torques needed to move iMac and final neck head
Researching cost of Maxon motor/gearhead/encoders and presenting to team
Designing and CAD of motor mount brackets, rollerblade wheel mounts, and cable support assemblies for iMac
Using the HAAS to make above pieces
Brainstorming and prototyping how many degrees of freedom needed in final version of arm and neck
Building and installing off-the-shelf robot arm and accompanying software
Rigging off-the-shelf robot arm to be run through RC airplane controller
Determining form of packets sent of off-the-shelf robot arm over serial
Programming motions for off-the-shelf robot arm
Programming an applet to command off-the-shelf robot arm through interface of buttons
Discussing with team the best way for user to control final versions of arm and neck
Week of 8/10:
Used HAAS to make cable support assemblies for latest attempt to motorize iMac
Researched and found worm gears that can be used to increase friction between our cable and motor
Created a .dxf file for rough prototype shoulder assembly
shoulder assembly
Presented my work so far to other SURIs at a lunch meeting
Attempted to salvage either the parts or mold (or both) from a bad batch of Task3 that didn't cure
More iMac puppeting videos
Broke up video files into clips for survey
Week of 8/17:
Remade mold for iMac flywheel parts, including a redesign that allowed for tensioning of cables
Poured Task9 with some black dye
Realized that the pouring took too long because bubbles hardened during the gassing process
Re-remade mold and repoured with less black dye (to maintain transparency). This time we used Jamba Juice cups and timed it well.
We still got a few bubbles in the parts, which were probably from the wax block degassing.
Week of 8/24:
Attached all parts to iMac, including stringing cables
Working til 2:30am trying to debug problems before the ICED workshop, but didn't get it working
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