TWiki > Haptics Web>WorkingGroups? >WebCamInstructions (26 Feb 2004, MarkCutkosky)

Instructions for the Web Camera at Stanford

Webcam is located in the Biomimetics/DML Conf room. Attached to 'markspc'

To view the video from remote location

IP number for viewing: This is actually the IP number of the firewall hub, which redirects to markspc for port 8080 (httpd)

You need a Java-enabled browser.

To launch the webcam application while in the conf. room

Double click on 'E:\Shared\DMLwebcam1.AWSes' This should launch the Active Web Cam shareware with the right settings.

The application is not super stable and consumes a significant fraction of the CPU. I get best results by minimizing it as soon as the camera image shows up. Then CPU usage drops.

It is set up to broadcast using Java, with limit of a few frames/second. For some reason the default input video method does not work, but the Microsoft Windows video input does.

Also, it only seems to work if logged in as somebody with Administrator privileges on the computer.

-- MarkCutkosky - 26 Feb 2004

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