Koala Skin generator, v2.13
Create a Topic named
WebList in web Main, and edit it to paste this:
List of all Webs
For the KoalaSkin?
Note If you change this page, dont forget to run
afterwards for your settings to take effect
Format: space-separated items
- 3 spaces * webgroupname hue [options][comments]
hue can be 2 hex digits, or the 6 hex digits for the RGB value
options can be: - EMPTY the group is not to be used per se, only its sub-webs
- 6 spaces * webname [options][comments]
comments can be continued on the following lines. If no webname, starts a new row of tabs (useful for webs too numerous to fit on a line)
options can be: - HIDDEN the group will not be listed in the navigation bar to save space, but will be still accessible and listed in the sitemap.
- other colors are set in the TWiki syntax:
6 spaces * Set VARIABLE = value
Possible variables being: - KSCOLORBG the color of the page background
- KSCOLORUNSEL color of tabs of unselected web groups
- KSCOLORSEL color of the text of the selected tab
- KSICON upper-left wiki icon IMG tag, with dims
- KSTITLE optional html to put after the KSICON
- KSHELP url of the help page (for the help icon)
- KSNOICONS set to true to disable icons for buttons on the upper right: Home/Edit/Attach/Sitemap/Help
- KSLMARGIN left margin (default 150)
- KSTABWIDTH minimum width of web tabs (default 80)
- KSNOEXPAND if not equal to "false", do not expand template includes to save space but consume CPU.
- KSNONAVBAR if not empty, forces not providing support for the Navbar Plugin even if it seems installed
- KSNAVBAR forces use of NAVBAR tags in templates even if plugin do not seem to be installed
- KSFILEPERMS if set to ALL will change permissions of generated templates so that other people can re-generate the templates.
- KSFORM_POS is the default position value of TWikiForms. Must be one of: FORM_LM, FORM_TL, FORM_TO, FORM_TR, FORM_BL, FORM_BR.
- KSCSS is the URL of an additionnal site-level CSS stylesheet
- KSNOMARGIN if non empty, put search menu at top not in margin
Settings of Variables
- Set KSCOLORUNSEL = #e0e0c0
- Set KSCOLORSEL = #ffff80
- Set KSICON =
Webs hierarchy
Here is a braindead suggestion for your existing site structure.
Edit to suit your needs. Move webs as subwebs by indenting the item more
and removing the 2-digit hex number (hue of the color).
- Know 00 Put a description for Know here
- Main 24 Put a description for Main here
- Plugins 48 Put a description for Plugins here
- Private 6C Put a description for Private here
- Sandbox 90 Put a description for Sandbox here
- Trash B4 Put a description for Trash here
- TWiki D8 Put a description for TWiki here
-- AMcClung? - 24 Oct 2003