Koala Skin generator, v2.13 Create a Topic named WebList in web Main, and edit it to paste this:

List of all Webs

For the KoalaSkin?

Note If you change this page, dont forget to run INSTALL/bin/koalaskin-generate afterwards for your settings to take effect


Format: space-separated items
  1. 3 spaces * webgroupname hue [options][comments]
    hue can be 2 hex digits, or the 6 hex digits for the RGB value
    options can be:
    • EMPTY the group is not to be used per se, only its sub-webs
  2. 6 spaces * webname [options][comments]
    comments can be continued on the following lines. If no webname, starts a new row of tabs (useful for webs too numerous to fit on a line)
    options can be:
    • HIDDEN the group will not be listed in the navigation bar to save space, but will be still accessible and listed in the sitemap.
  3. other colors are set in the TWiki syntax:
    6 spaces * Set VARIABLE = value
    Possible variables being:
    • KSCOLORBG the color of the page background
    • KSCOLORUNSEL color of tabs of unselected web groups
    • KSCOLORSEL color of the text of the selected tab
    • KSICON upper-left wiki icon IMG tag, with dims
    • KSTITLE optional html to put after the KSICON
    • KSHELP url of the help page (for the help icon)
    • KSNOICONS set to true to disable icons for buttons on the upper right: Home/Edit/Attach/Sitemap/Help
    • KSLMARGIN left margin (default 150)
    • KSTABWIDTH minimum width of web tabs (default 80)
    • KSNOEXPAND if not equal to "false", do not expand template includes to save space but consume CPU.
    • KSNONAVBAR if not empty, forces not providing support for the Navbar Plugin even if it seems installed
    • KSNAVBAR forces use of NAVBAR tags in templates even if plugin do not seem to be installed
    • KSFILEPERMS if set to ALL will change permissions of generated templates so that other people can re-generate the templates.
    • KSFORM_POS is the default position value of TWikiForms. Must be one of: FORM_LM, FORM_TL, FORM_TO, FORM_TR, FORM_BL, FORM_BR.
    • KSCSS is the URL of an additionnal site-level CSS stylesheet
    • KSNOMARGIN if non empty, put search menu at top not in margin

Settings of Variables

    • Set KSCOLORUNSEL = #e0e0c0
    • Set KSCOLORSEL = #ffff80
    • Set KSICON = click on the TWiki            logo to go to homepage

Webs hierarchy

Here is a braindead suggestion for your existing site structure. Edit to suit your needs. Move webs as subwebs by indenting the item more and removing the 2-digit hex number (hue of the color).

  • Know 00 Put a description for Know here
  • Main 24 Put a description for Main here
  • Plugins 48 Put a description for Plugins here
  • Private 6C Put a description for Private here
  • Sandbox 90 Put a description for Sandbox here
  • Trash B4 Put a description for Trash here
  • TWiki D8 Put a description for TWiki here

-- AMcClung? - 24 Oct 2003

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