Biomimetics and Dextrous Manipulation Lab



Email: vkojo(at)
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Google Scholar: Google Scholar Profile

About Me

Hi, my name is Venny Kojouharov! I’m a first-year ME PhD student and currently a rotation student in BDML interested in ReachBot, Multi-Modal Robots, and other bioinspired/mechanical design projects in the lab. I am currently working on gripper design and control for ReachBot and drone perching.

I was born in Arlington, Texas, and attended Georgia Tech (Go Jackets!) for my undergrad where I studied mechanical engineering and minored in computer science. My research passion is in mechanically intelligent robot design and field robotics - everything from prototyping to manufacturing to testing! Previously, my research was in bioinspired robotics, where I studied how nematode worms can help inform limbless robot design and actuation (link).

Outside of research, I enjoy backpacking, skiing, cooking, and playing basketball, so look out for me on the campus courts! I also love traveling, especially to Bulgaria where most of my family still lives today!

Page last modified on October 07, 2024, at 10:16 AM