David is working on micro-robotic manufacturing in BDML, and on resonant sensors with Thomas Kenny.
David's Linked-In page: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/david-christensen/21/634/53b

Research Interests
- Robotics (micro and regular)
- Sensors
- Actuators
- Mechatronics
- Haptics
- Manufacturing
- Applying gecko-inspired adhesives to the real world--including human climbing and dynamic use
- Mechanism design
- Solid State actuators
- Accel Innovation Scholar STVP entrepreneurial program.
- ME218 A,B,C Mechatronics
- ME 203 TA in the Product Realization Laboratory with Prof. David Beach
- MEMS, Sensors and Smart Materials
- Biomechanics
Quick links
- µTugs (pronounced "micro tugs") Microrobots with Macro Forces (ICRA 2015 Paper). Featured on BBC, NYT, Discovery, TED Vancouver 2015, etc.
- SRI Micro Robotic Manufacturing (Video) Quality Control Sensing (IDETC 2013 Paper)
- MEMS Resonant Sensor Design (Transducers 2013 Paper)
- Gecko Adhesive Manufacturing (ASME JMNM Paper)
- Human Climbing with Efficiently Scaled Gecko-inspired Dry Adhesives, J. R. Soc. Interface JRSI Paper
- Human climbing in the news: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Science Mag News, The Guardian
- Best Paper Finalist, MEMS 2016
- Best Paper, IROS 2015
- Best Student Paper, ICRA 2015
- Best Journal Paper, ASME Bioinspired Systems and Materials 2015
- Invited Exhibitor, TED 2015
- Accel Innovation Scholar, STVP 2014
- Best Student Paper Finalist, ICRA 2014
David L. Christensen
PhD Candidate
Mechanical Engineering
Biomimetics and Dexterous Manipulation Lab
418 Panama Mall
MERL Bldg 02-660, Rm 132
Stanford, CA 94305
Page last modified on February 08, 2016, at 02:22 PM