This is the Operation: Operational Quadrotor page!
The goal: A hackable quadrotor 100-400 grams in weight
- Weight: 19 grams
- too small?
- Size:9 cm x 9 cm
- Open Platform
- Robust
- kickstarter (from 2012), cheap, hackable, robust
- are they selling? can't tell
- Click link for specs
- tons of sensors, cameras
- uses Linux
- too expensive?
- robust
- <$100
- 3-D printed, fairly small
- open source code
- 3-D printed, kinda small
- some assembly required
Phantom 2 (see also Phantom 1)
- ~$700
- doesn't look very hackable
- designed for very steady aerial photo/video
- 2 lb payload capacity
- looks like a quadcopter hacking community
- Uses the AR Drone 2.0 Parrot
- Node is the language used to control the quadrotor (library already exists)
- runs pixhawk autopilot system
- boasts lots of autonomous functions
- Arduino compatible
- doesn't state the weight
- DIY project!
Page last modified on July 02, 2014, at 03:54 PM