------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coordinate and angle conventions for the RiSE climbing robot platform created by Uluc Saranli Wed Apr 7 15:20:18 EDT 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id: CONVENTIONS.txt,v 1.1 2004/07/16 20:31:13 AMcClung Exp nobody $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file describes all the conventions adopted in the RiSE platform, as seen from the perspective of the behavioral programmer. RiSE climbing robot is a six legged platform with two degrees of freedom per hip. For each hip, the "wing" degree of freedom controls the sideways extension of the leg assembly, while the "crank" degree of freedom controls the crank extension that drives the four bar leg structure. Seen from the TOP, the coordinates of the robot body and the numbering of the legs is illustrated by the following diagram: nose ----------- leg 0 ---| |--- leg 3 | | | Y | | ^ | leg 1 ---| | |--- leg 4 | +--->X | | | | | leg 2 ---| |--- leg 5 ----------- DIAGRAM 1 : Leg numbering and body coordinates The wing angle is measured from the vertical configuration of the leg, increasing as the leg assembly lifts upwards. So, seen from the FRONT of the robot, the following diagram illustrates our convention for the wing degree of freedom. ----------- wing = pi/2 --------- | nose | --------- wing = pi/2 ^ | | | | ^ \ | | | | / - | ----------- | - | | wing = 0 wing = 0 DIAGRAM 2 : Wing angle conventions Finally, the crank angles are chosen such that they are 0 when the crank is pointing upwards (the shortest configuration of the four bar assembly) and rotates such that positive angle progression means forward locomotion on flat ground. In other words, positive angle progression is seen as counterclockwise rotation of the crank seen from the right side of the robot. The following diagram illustrates the conventions crank = 0 | ----------------------|------ | | \ | crank = pi/2 ------ | nose -> forward (+Y) | / ----------------------------- DIAGRAM 3 : Crank angle conventions