Self-Supporting Dome Construction
Background stuff: see
The reading by
Savadori02 is particularly relevant, as are various parts of
N.B. The shape of the blocks matters -- they need to be sections of a spherical shell. Like the voussoirs of a roman arch, they need to be wider at the outer surface than at the inner surface. This makes it impossible for them to fall inward.
How do we measure all the appropriate angles? How did the original masons do it?
The foam dome solution:
- Order some giant styrofoam hemispheres from a place like Shape Formation
- Cut them into wedges and then scoop out the inner part of each wedge and chop them into pieces -- using a hot wire and some very simple fixtures
- Add some "spiral" geometry to help make each row self-supporting (a crude approximation to Brunelleschi's elegant herringbone pattern).
Manufacturing lessons learned:
- It takes a long time to measure and cut 4x16x4 foam pieces, even with a hot wire
- Tolerances stack up. The wire has finite width and the fixtures are imperfect so one cannot assume rotational symmetry.
- Therefore one must number the parts to create a 3D jigsaw puzzle
- The spiral arc idea is a bit tricky -- the angle of inclination of the spiral should really change as a function of where you are on the sphere
- Coating the foam blocks with clear acrylic (water based) varnish helps make them sturdier.. (but use a non water-based marker
MarkCutkosky - 18 Jan 2005
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