Padre Pio Church

A remarkable modern church has been built in southern Italy to commemorate Padre Pio. The church is designed by Renzio Piano (see links below) and is a stunning example of a modern building that uses weight-bearing stone arches, much in the way that Roman and Renaissance masonry use the compressive strength of stone.

Each arch is made of a series of segments. Each segment is made by joining several stones together in a sandwich with steel end plates and some interior cables to increase stability. The photo at left shows one of the stone blocks end-on, with bore holes for the cables.


Arches of Padre Pio church:

General Links

Here are some informative links to the engineering and design behind Renzo Piano's arches:

For detailed color photos, check out the Renzo Piano website:

Structural details

For detailed structural drawings, visit:

You have to download a program (it only works on PCs) to view the drawings but it's relatively quick and easy.

(JackConte? )

Adding a couple of extra links about the arcs and how they were constructed

-- MarkCutkosky - 30 May 2005

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