I'm soo excited about standing in a leaning tower! Its too crazy!
-- MorganThrower? - 06 Apr 2005
Although Pisa was cold and a little bit rainy, and OH... I could barely walk, I was very impressed and even overwhelmed by La Torre Pendente. When you initially round the corner, its breathtaking to see a marble structure towering over the low buildings.... but the tower's leaning, and initially your mind is telling you that's not possible, to stay away from what inevitably will cause you pain.
I kept waiting for it to fall over. I can honestly say I wish I could be around when in 300 years it finally crash/explode/implode/whatever, because it will be an even more awesome site then seeing La Torre patiently wait for the right moment to concede to gravity. I would also like to have walked around the levels that were off limits and did not have guards against falling off. I think that if the Pisans could manage to not fall, I know I can!
I question the purpose of ringing the bells. If they locked the bells because the vibrations were shaking the tower apart, wouldn't the vibrations from just the ringing do a considerable amount of damage?
Because it (sort-of) came up in conversation, "The Leaning Tower of Pizza" in Los Angeles.... http://www-scf.usc.edu/~brandocs/index.htm
-- MorganThrower? - 12 Apr 2005
After reading Brunelleschi's Dome, I began thinking that even though its non-fiction (with maybe a few embellishments, hypothesizing about certain events, and dramatic flair), this book would make for a great movie. Russell Crowe could be uglied up, like Nicole Kidman in "The Hours" and be Brunelleschi. I mean they are both arrogant, persistent, self-celebrated, talented people - only Crowe is more good-looking. If you want to get right down to it, Filippo's rival, Lorenzo Ghiberti, could be played by Colin Firth (from a more "Girl With A Pearl Earring" perspective.
-- MorganThrower? - 19 Apr 2005