Subject: ME122F machine design: don't forget for tomorrow
Date: May 9, 2005 4:19:19 AM PDT
Check out who's doing what to launch the machine design project:
Most important thing for tomorrow (Tues) is to get an understanding of the probable
dimensions and general arrangement of the machine. Search the links on the page above.
If you
really understand it, you can answer the following questions:
- Is the vertical gear inside or outside (i.e., in front of or behind) the main horizontal beam that supports it?
- When the screw is raised, which way does the main drum turn? And when it is lowered?
- Which is bigger diameter: the main vertical gear or the horizontal gears that it mates with?
- Which of the 3 drums is fastest for lifting? Which is slowest?
- Does the secondary horizontal shaft (the one that gets driven by the main horizontal shaft) turn faster or slower than the main one?
- Where would the oxen go and how would they be attached?
Finally, if you have 'em: Bring a sharp pencil and any plastic right angles, compasses or Tsquares that you have from your drawing classes. Then we can really start the "layout" process. It seems we have plenty of rules here.
Soon we'll need some Xacto knifes too. You can get them at local art or hardware store.
MarkCutkosky - 09 May 2005

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