Marble Quarrying and Transport

It was a big problem, tricky and very expensive. Hence Brunelleschi's ill-fated Badalone attempt (ref. Brunelleschi's Dome) and many other efforts by others to reduce the effort in procuring and transporting large blocks of marble. Michelangelo and other artists would often personally go to the quarry and oversee the extraction of favored pieces of marble. Why did they do this? There is some interesting technology to learn about also. How were the large blocks of marble cut? How are they cut today? Perhaps a field trip to Carrara?
(RebeccaSawyer? , MackenzieCooper? ) - See bottom of this page for final writeup with a few comments from mrc.

Transporting a momentual sculpture - The David

From Michelangelo and Pope's Ceiling" by Ross King.

Almost seventeen feet in height, the work came to be known by the awestruck citizens of Florence as Il Gigante, or 'The Giant'. It took four days and considerable ingenuity on the part of Michelangelo's friend, the architect Giuliano da Sangallo, to transport the mighty statue the quarter-mile from his workshop behind the cathedral to its pedestal in the Piazza della Signoria.
Question: Who was Giuliano da Sangallo? --
  • Part of family of Sangallo artist/architect/engineers

The quarries at Carrara and Masa are still active and are impressive sights:

-- MarkCutkosky - 17 May 2005

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