Searching for articles

SULAIR Web proxy server and Google Scholar

A very useful search tool for academic literature is Google Scholar (, which accesses IEEE Explore and other web databases. To get into some of these, you need to take advantage of the Stanford Libraries site license. However, since we are not on campus, you need to use the SULAIR proxy server.
  • General instructions: -- The instructions make no mention of Safari on Macs, and I've been unable to get it to work propertly with Safari. However it works well with Mozilla which you can download free from -- follow the SUL instructions for Mozilla 1.x
  • If it is working you should get prompted for your SUNet login when you try to access restricted sources and you will see, for example, "Welcome Stanford University" in IEEE Explore when accessing an IEEE conference paper and you want the full PDF.

-- MarkCutkosky - 18 Apr 2005

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